Rodrick Rules by Kinney, Jeff
Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Kinney, Jeff
Pride and Prejudice by Austen, Jane
The Last Straw by Kinney, Jeff
Cristiano Ronaldo by Battista, Brianna
Pray for a Fire Drill by Peirce, Lincoln
Captains courageous by Kipling, Rudyard
LeBron James by Hewson, Anthony K
Rodrick Rules by Kinney, Jeff
Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone by Rowling, J. K
Neymar by Machajewski, Sarah
Hershey by Duling, Kaitlyn
Sports Cars by Huddleston, Emma
The lightning thief by Riordan, Rick
The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas, Alexandre
The Last Straw by Kinney, Jeff
Dog Days by Kinney, Jeff
Water for elephants by Gruen, Sara
Hot mess by Kinney, Jeff
Diary of a wimpy kid by Kinney, Jeff
The giver by Lowry, Lois
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by Rowling, J. K
Coraline by Gaiman, Neil
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban by Rowling, J. K