Fly girls by O'Brien, Keith
From seed to plant by Gibbons, Gail
Good masters! Sweet ladies ! by Schlitz, Laura Amy
Deep, deeper, deepest by Dahl, Michael
Old, older, oldest by Dahl, Michael
Do penguins have puppies? by Dahl, Michael
Why do leaves change color? by Maestro, Betsy
Brick city by Elsmore, Warren
Nature's best hope by Tallamy, Douglas W
Separate is never equal by Tonatiuh, Duncan
The Lego Ideas Book: Unlock Your Imagination by Lipkowitz, Daniel
Cool board games by Felix, Rebecca
Awesome animals and the places they live by Lippard, Hannah
Poop-eating animals by Wilson, Libby (Freelance writer)
The stone thrower by Richardson, Jael Ealey
A is for Affrilachia by Walker, Frank X
The quilts of Gee's Bend by Rubin, Susan Goldman
Can you survive storm chasing? by Raum, Elizabeth
Helpful and harmful insects by Aloian, Molly
World more beautiful by Kunkel, Angela Burke
Coding games in Scratch by Woodcock, Jon
The vegetables we eat by Gibbons, Gail
Where the sidewalk ends by Silverstein, Shel
Runny Babbit by Silverstein, Shel