The Wager by Grann, David
Braiding sweetgrass by Kimmerer, Robin Wall
On tyranny by Snyder, Timothy
The demon of unrest by Larson, Erik
81 days below zero by Murphy, Brian
Starter vegetable gardens by Pleasant, Barbara
Founding mothers by Roberts, Cokie
Killing Lincoln by O'Reilly, Bill
Forgiven by Roberts, Terri
Killing Kennedy by O'Reilly, Bill
The total money makeover by Ramsey, Dave
Dead wake by Larson, Erik
Fear by Woodward, Bob
Killing the rising sun by O'Reilly, Bill
Killing the legends : the lethal danger of celebrity by O'Reilly, Bill
Dewey by Myron, Vicki
Killing the killers by O'Reilly, Bill
The first conspiracy by Meltzer, Brad
Killing the mob by O'Reilly, Bill
The Lincoln conspiracy by Meltzer, Brad
That dark and bloody river by Eckert, Allan W
Option B by Sandberg, Sheryl
The wide wide sea by Sides, Hampton
I feel bad about my neck and other thoughts on being a woman by Ephron, Nora