A court of thorns and roses by Maas, Sarah J
Listen for the lie by Tintera, Amy
Circe by Miller, Madeline
The silent patient by Michaelides, Alex
Just once by Kingsbury, Karen
The choice by Sparks, Nicholas
By any other name by Picoult, Jodi
The judge's list by Grisham, John
The housemaid is watching by McFadden, Freida
Nine perfect strangers by Moriarty, Liane
Horse by Brooks, Geraldine
Bloodless by Preston, Douglas J
The omega factor by Berry, Steve
The personal librarian by Benedict, Marie
Finding Dorothy by Letts, Elizabeth
Fall of giants by Follett, Ken
The rescue by Sparks, Nicholas
Turtles all the way down by Green, John
Exit west by Hamid, Mohsin
Are you my mother? by Eastman, P. D
Have a little faith by Albom, Mitch
Leave the world behind by Alam, Rumaan
Grant by Chernow, Ron
Don't let the pigeon drive the bus! by Willems, Mo