The Lightning Thief by Riordan, Rick
Pollyanna by Porter, Eleanor H
Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery, L. M
Treasure Island by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Hatchet by Paulsen, Gary
We dream of space by Kelly, Erin Entrada
The long winter by Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Wonder by Palacio, R. J
The mouse and the motorcycle by Cleary, Beverly
Charlotte's web by White, E. B
Little house on the prairie by Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Big Nate blasts off by Peirce, Lincoln
These happy golden years by Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Little town on the prairie by Wilder, Laura Ingalls
By the shores of Silver lake by Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Peter Pan by Barrie, J.M
Miracles on Maple Hill by Sorensen, Virginia (Eggertsen)
The first four years by Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Word of mouse by Patterson, James
The magician's nephew by Lewis, C. S
Roll of thunder, hear my cry by Taylor, Mildred D
The wind in the willows by Grahame, Kenneth
On the banks of Plum Creek by Wilder, Laura Ingalls
I survived the San Francisco earthquake, 1906 by Tarshis, Lauren